Top 10 Useful Online Tools For Front-end Developers in 2020.
Web development is growing very quickly, with many libraries and frameworks developing and replacing other, less efficient, tools. If you want to keep up-to-date with all the latest tools for frontend developers.
You know that nowadays the number of front-end development tools available in the market but the main question is, Which is the best in 2020?
1. CodeKit:
Codekit is a front-end web development tool that is used widely. To build websites faster front-end developers use these tools. It combines, minifies and syntax-checks JavaScript and it also optimizes images.
The Best features of CodeKit is it is combined scripts to reduce HTTP requests, if you want to do any CSS change then it injected without the need of reloading the entire page, CodeKit minify code to reduce file sizes and most important is It’s works automatically with most languages without trouble.
2. WebStorm:
One of the best and smart coding assistance for JavaScript is WebStorm. If front-end developer works on a large project and needs code efficiently then they can use Webstrom and it also provides advanced coding support for React.js, Meteo, Angular and Vue.js.
The best features of Webstroms are, it has an in-built debugger for node.js apps and also for client-side code and it also testing and tracing client-side applications. Webstroms Spy-js built-in tool allows tracking JavaScript code. For web development. Webstrom is customized so it perfect for various coding styles.
3. Sass:
Sass is a style sheet language and it is a most reliable, mature, and robust CSS extension also. Sass helps to increase the functionality of an existing CSS of a site like variables, inheritance, and nesting with ease.
The best features of Sass are, It is easy to use front end tool to write any code and it is also support extensions like mixins, variables, nesting, and more. Sass output is well-formatted and proper customize. Sass has some advanced features, it’s control directives for libraries.
4. Backbone:
Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by offering models with key-value binding and custom events. You can develop a one-page application with the use of Backbone.
The best features of Backbone are, It allows developers to create client-side web applications or mobile applications. Backbone uses the simple library to separate business and user interface logic.
5. CodePen:
CodePen is a web development environment for front-end developers and designers. It faster and smoother development and also allows us to build, deploy a website and build test cases.
The best features of CodePen are: If you want to CSS faster then it has some awesome features. CodePen allows live view and lives sync. It allows adding links and demo pages with prefill API features and it’s done without any coding.
6. Jasmine:
Jasmine is an open-source JavaScript framework, capable of testing any kind of JavaScript application. If you want to test the smallest unit of an entire application instead of the whole then jasmine provides a small syntax to test.
The best features of Jasmine are: Jasmine is an open-source framework and easily available in different versions like a stand-alone, ruby gem, Node.js. Jasmine is massively impacted by Rspec, JS Spec, and Jspec. The syntax used in the Jasmine framework is clean and simple.
7. Foundation:
Foundation is a responsive front-end framework to make responsive websites, apps and emails for any device, medium, accessibility. Foundation is semantic, readable, flexible, and completely customizable.
The best features of the Foundation are: Foundation is optimized truly for mobile devices and its faster development and page load speed. It allows the most reliable markup without reducing the efficiency and speed of the Foundation. Possible to customize the build to add or remove specific elements. As it determines the size of columns, colors, font size.
8. Sublime Text:
Sublime Text is an exclusive cross-platform source code editor. Sublime text is an app development tool and it natively supports many programming languages and markup languages.
The best features of Sublime Text are: Contemporary editing allows making the same interactive changes to multiple areas so they allow a programmer to provide project-specific decisions. Sublime Text Fit with many language grammars from TextMate.
9. Grid Guide:
Grid guide is one of the best and most important front end development tools. It allows for building pixel-perfect grids within designs. It is a simple tool that can unlock very relevant workflows.
The best features of Grid Guide are: Grid Guide helps users to create custom grids and also allows them to create duplicate guides. Quickly add guides to edges and midpoints.
10. TypeScript:
TypeScript is an open-source front end scripting language. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript which adds optional static typing. For the large application and compiles to JavaScript, TypeScript especially designed for these types of development.
The best features of TypeScript are: TypeScript provides you great tooling support with IntelliSense. TypeScript supports other JS libraries. TypeScript is portable across browsers, devices, and operating systems.
Final Thoughts:
I hope the top front-end tools mentioned in this blog will be useful to you. Due to ever-changing web techs, if you are looking for best front-end developers who can help you leverage the expertise of front-end development services, then hire a front-end developer from us to build interactive and emerging web-apps.
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